Saturday, September 1, 2012

You must keep awake

Matthew 26:41 amp. "All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active)  and  watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."  There is so much evil in this world that it could make a Christian turn away from God. Temptation is everywhere. It comes in all sorts of forms, and fills many, if not all, of our public places. Our youth sees this as normal, while we as believers see it as the devil taking over. In the scripture above, Jesus was about to face all the darkness that we face today. He was not about to give up, because the only way the devil could be defeated was by going to the Cross. However, before He went to the Cross He had to breakthrough in prayer. He Prayed a prayer with so much agony that His sweat was as great drops of blood falling down to the ground. We too must stay awake, watch, and pray, because the devil roams around seeking those whom he can devour. The flesh is weak, and it will always try to stand against The Fathers Will. The Spirit indeed is willing to become our strength and help at all times, through the good and the bad. Keep watch today, and find time to pray. Give God Praise.

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