Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Lord will come.

"For you yourselves know perfectly well that the day of the [return of the] Lord will come [as unexpectedly and suddenly] as a thief in the night" (1 Thessalonians 5:2 AMP).  As a thief in the night, our Lord Jesus Christ will return. The Apostle Paul is saying here, that those who choose not to believe will be caught unaware. All of the sudden, in a twinkle of an eye, the world we live in will be changed forever. The Lord is coming back for His Church and the Body (church) will be taken out of this world. We shall be changed, our old nature, the corruptible, must put on the incorruptible. We will put on the glorified body with no more sin and no more death. We must be ready for this day of the Lord's return. Edify one another, encourage one another, and strengthen those around you. This is no time to get comfortable, but the time to cry out for the lost souls out there in the world. It's the time we should all be praying for our loved ones that are blind and bound to this world and the things of it.  We should be crying out, "Repent for the day of the Lord's return is near!" Get ready and do not be caught unexpectedly. Praise God and God Bless You.

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