Monday, December 8, 2014

These all continued

"These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren" (‭Acts‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬ KJV). 120 believers waited in the upper room. As they were there, they prayed to the Living God, waiting for Him to pour out His promise upon them. They believed in Jesus Christ, for they saw miraculous and supernatural miracles being done by this man they called "teacher". They were not about to move nor were they going to allow anyone or anything stop them from the promise of God's Spirit coming upon them. Persecution did not get in their way, and the thought of going to prison did not stop them from seeking Jesus Christ. How beautiful and wonderful God is, for He poured out His presence upon all men and women in that upper room, and from that day forth the church began and has not stopped ever since. We, the believer, are God's representatives. We are His chosen ambassadors. We, the church, represent Jesus Christ. I have been nothing but the Truth. Jesus began the church, for He is the head of the church and there is no other head. He is what the church is to be. His very image is to reflect from the pulpit into the pews and from the pews into the streets of our cities and towns. Why are we not seeing Christ in our churches today? The enemy has come in and put compromise behind the pulpit and entertainment as worship. No wonder our streets are damaged and stained by the enemy. We must get desperate in this late hour and allow Christ to fill our hearts with the Holy Spirit. God bless you. Amen

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