Thursday, July 17, 2014

In pray

"These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren" (‭Acts‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬ KJV). Those in the upper room did not take prayer lightly, but they prayed in one accord and supplication. They were waiting on the promise. This must have been a powerful time for all who surrounded themselves around those who looked for and waited for the Lord. Prayer is what brings the presence of God into one's heart and surroundings. Prayer welcomes the Lord and the power of God to move upon people. A prayerless church will never know the power of God nor His Holy Spirit. It will be empty. In a prayerless church, there will be no light for those who seek salvation or for those walking in darkness. A prayerless ministry cannot know God's Truth, and when one does not know the Truth, they cannot teach it to ignorant men. However, the church that cries out in prayer unto God the Father, will be the salt of the earth and the light of this world. God can move upon them freely. Multitudes came to know Christ our Lord through the praying and the discipling of the Saints. When times got tough, they got tougher in prayer, seeking Jesus Christ. God bless you. Amen

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