Friday, January 18, 2013

Mind of the flesh

"Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever]" (Romans 8:6 AMP).  To be carnal minded is death. In other words, having a carnal mind is to have a mind that is hostile towards God and does not submit itself to God. Having a carnal mind is living the life of the flesh and catering to the appetites of the carnal nature, which cannot please God. Many in the church are trying to live for God outside of His prescribed order, and the result is separation from God and a life under the law of sin and death. Some may think it's much easier to live under the carnal ways, which it is easier to give way to the carnal nature than to live a life sanctified for Christ, but the true Christian can only live under the Spirit of God. The mind of the spirit is life and brings forth peace. We have to choose today whom or what we will allow to infiltrate our minds. It's up to the believer, every second of the day, if we are going to let the carnal mind have its way or let the Spirit of God have its way. What are we allowing into our hearts? What are we opening our eyes to? Whatever it is, this is what makes us. This is what builds us spiritually. Are our souls dominating over our spirits, or are we allowing the Spirit of God to  dominate over our spirits? Are our spirits dominating over our souls, which are carnal? This all depends on who we let into our lives first. Whose authority are we walking under? Are we walking under the authority of the world (carnal), or are we walking under the authority of God in all obedience? It's up to us who's going to be more dominant in our lives. God bless you.

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