Friday, August 2, 2013

I counted loss for Christ

"But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ" (Philippians 3:7 KJV). Do you count all things but dung that you may win Christ, knowing that there is nothing righteous in you or about you? The Apostle Paul knew he could not get any closer to Christ or make it all the way until he let go of all that he once cherished. The knowledge from the Pharisees and the traditions as a Jew, all had to be given up for Christ. Christ is worth all that we give up and a thousand times more. The Apostle Paul wanted to gain a greater experience and a deeper intimacy with our Lord. So, Paul, driven by the Holy Spirit, got to the point of renouncing all that he once hoped in. All that he saw as gain to his own life he counted as loss, that he might win Christ. This was a beautiful place where the Apostle Paul was called to stand. This was the place where Christ was able to move through him in a powerful way and where Christ brought him into a deeper revelation of the new covenant. The Lord was able to move through the Apostle Paul, and he wrote most of the epistles found in the New Testament because God saw that Paul counted on nothing else but Christ crucified, and that's the message. It might take years, brothers and sisters, but Christ wants us to look at this world as dung, in order that we may win Christ. God bless you. Amen

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