Friday, December 20, 2013

I am ready

"And [Simon Peter] said to Him, Lord, I am ready to go with You both to prison and to death. But Jesus said, I tell you, Peter, before a [single] cock shall crow this day, you will three times [utterly] deny that you know Me" (Luke 22:33, 34 AMP). Let us not be moved by yesterday's problems. The Lord has given us a new day. Every day is new with the Lord, as long as we believe and go to Him first when the new day begins. After Peter denied the Lord three times, he ran back to the people he was familiar with, the rest of the disciples. For the next three days, he probably fought the fact that he totally cowered out on the Lord the night He was arrested. How can a man who walked with Christ for three years possibly forgive himself after denying Jesus publicly, knowing that he is a true follower, a disciple of Christ. How many times have you or I cowered out on the Lord? We can easily stay bitter towards ourselves and want give up. Sometimes we allow the sin that we may have fallen into to press us and cause us to run from our Savior. The truth is Jesus knew that we would be faced with issues each and every day. Along with these issues, we don't need to carry them from yesterday into today. His mercies are in new every morning. Remember Jesus Christ rose from the tomb to show us that He has conquered, and He made a way out of sin's prison. He has forgiven us all. All we have to do is stand up and follow Him once again. Great tests will come, and the Lord will allow them. We must learn from these trials and tests because God is trying to show us our own heart. Peter survived the onslaught and found himself filled with the Holy Spirit and preaching the message of the cross, and many were saved. God bless you. Amen

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